Common Roleplay Terms and Phrases
MG - Metagaming; Using out of character information as an advantage in character, or vice versa.
PG - Powergaming; Doing something that you cannot do in real life as well as forcing role-play upon another player. For example, being uninjured after crashing a motor vehicle or telling a player he is knocked out after punching him once.
RDM - Random Deathmatching; Attacking or Killing another player without proper RP reason.
NLR - New Life Rule; You must not return to the place of your death for at least 15 minutes, or interact with players who lead to your death for those 15 minutes.
VDM - Vehicle Deathmatching; Using an in-game vehicle to purposefully and continuously run over another player, often until they die.
CR - Car Ramming; Same as above but without death caused to the player.
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