Faction Applied for: FIB
Previous Relevant Experience: COS > Deputy Director, Previous Deputy of SAHP, Current AG in ToV
Why do you wish to become the leader of this Faction? I have always aspired to become leader of the Federal Investigation Bureau, FIB has always been one of my top of the hand organisations, and am looking to start my career as Director Of FIB, FIB is a big organisation, and high demand.
What are your plans should you be accepted? I plan to first start gathering agents in the departments that are crucial, HR, SWAT, 00, and so forth, aswell as gather enough deputys in the organization that are trust worthy and experiencd, as leader of FIB i understand that it is a hard working faction, and is top of the state.
As the FIB director, you have alot of power and whatnot within the city, handling warrants, tracking down wanted people, and watching indivudauls.
What set's you apart from other applicants? I think as the leader of FIB, i can bring alot to the table, an active organisation, aswell as having strong leadership skills and a funny and respectful person willing to help those in need.
As the leader of the FIB, i dont think of myself as a leader, wear as i think in my position as a regular agent, and symptathyse how they would feel, what they would want and so forth, aswell as taking ideas from them and bettering the Agency.