JayJayLee Name JayJay Lee Age ooc 34 Country Germany Timezone GMT+1 Average online hours per week: 25-50 hours minimum Your in-game ID 16 Discord Name lordhenrythefirst Position applied for: Support Staff What are your strengths? My main strength is definitely that I can put myself in situations and understand both sides. My next strength is that I don't get easily upset, which can be a big advantage in heated situations What are your weaknesses? My biggest weakness is definitely my activity as I can get too invested in a project What can you bring to the team? Definitely my experience OOC and IC, I was already an admin on several servers/projects Are there any real life situations preventing activity from you either currently, or in the near future? No ![https://i.postimg.cc/SR3YFJSF/Kingsman-2.png](https://)
Dave After consideration, you application has unfortunately been denied We kindly invite you to re-apply after 1 months time. Thank you for your application & apologies you were unsuccessful this time.