Drame Mareli Name : Drame Mareli Age : 23 Country : India Timezone : IST/+5;30 GMT Average online hours per week : 25 or 30 Your in-game ID : 163 Discord Name : yooper.lol Position applied for: In-Game Staff What are your strengths? -Even in moments of high pressure, I can think rationally and keep a clear mind about situations. -I am good with time management. -I am an organized person. What are your weaknesses? -I am a perfectionist. -I am a very forgiving person. What can you bring to the team? -I can bring an open and clear opinion on situations without the pressure influencing my decisions. -Being a very organized person, I think it could benefit the Admin Team in regards to making sure forms get completed and situations get handled efficiently. Being an organized person is one of the most needed attributes when it comes to Administration of any kind. Are there any real life situations preventing activity from you either currently, or in the near future? No.
Dave After consideration, you application has unfortunately been denied We kindly invite you to re-apply after 1 months time. Thank you for your application & apologies you were unsuccessful this time.